
Brand & Products
  • LMZ antiallergic mouthwash
  • LMZ clear breath mouthwash
  • LMZ Chinese herbal cleansing mouthwash
  • Children's toothbrush with growing gums
  • Soft care super clean toothbrush
  • Bamboo charcoal wire super clean toothbrush

From a tube of toothpaste to five business sectors, generations of LMZ people have developed LMZ into a comprehensive listed company engaging in the sunrise industry of “big consumption and big health”, with fiveFrom a tube of toothpaste to five business sectors, generations of LMZ people have developed LMZ into a comprehensive listed company engaging in the sunrise industry of “big consumption and big health”, with fiveFrom a tube of toothpaste to five business sectors, generations of LMZ people have developed LMZ into a comprehensive listed company engaging in the sunrise industry of “big consumption and big health”, with five...

Business Cooperation

Domestic Business

International Business

From a tube of toothpaste to five business sectors, generations of LMZ people have developed LMZ into a comprehensive listed company engaging in the sunrise industry of “big consumption and big health”, with five...

  • Domestic Business

  • International Business

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地址:广西柳州市东环路282号    电话:0772-2068000 新利18全站luck 版权所有湘ICP备02384304号-1

地址:广西柳州市东环路282号    电话:0772-2068000

新利18全站luck 版权所有湘ICP备02384304号-1


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